The Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) is America’s oldest Irish Catholic fraternal organization. It was founded in 1836 in New York. Today, the AOH fosters and preserves Irish culture throughout the United States. It provides a network for Irish-American men. And it contributes to local communities and advocates for Irish-Americans on social and policy issues. You can donate to the Alexandria AOH using this link.

Membership is available to men over the age of 16 who are practicing Roman Catholics and of Irish heritage by birth, descent, or adoption. If you want to join, please email our membership chair.

The Ancient Order of Hibernians in Alexandria was established in 2011 at St. Mary’s Basilica in Alexandria, Virginia. It is one of the fastest-growing AOH chapters in the United States. The Division participates in a wide variety of activities including:

If you would like to join the AOH in Alexandria, or want to partner with the AOH for an event, please contact us below: