Congratulations to our New Officers & Thank You to our Past Officers!

Thanks to all the brothers who helped us with another successful year! 

Congratulations to our new Division President Tim Donnelly and our incoming officers. 


President:  Tim Donnelly

Vice President:  Terry Riley

Recording Secretary: Pat McElwain

Financial Secretary:  Keith Kettell

Treasurer:  Brendan Cooney Marshal:  John O’Donnell

Sentinel:  Kevin McDermott

Historian:  Pat Cushing

Organizer:  Brendan O’Neil

Chairman Standing Committee: Mike McEntee

Chairman Charities & Missions:  John Kilday

Chairman Catholic Action: Shannen Coffin

Chairman Pro-Life: Greg Smith

Chairman F.F.A.I.: Terry Riley

Veterans Affairs: Brendan Cooney

Chaplin: Rev. Edward Hathaway, Pastor at St. Mary Catholic Church