
Membership fee is $50 per year. It is due in January of each year. Please bring cash or check to the December or January meeting, or pay using this website (below). You may also use PayPal directly @aohalexandria or Venmo directly @AOHALX.

You will receive your membership identification card upon payment. If you need help paying your dues, please contact our financial secretary.

Pay your 2025 Membership Dues:

AOH Uniform

As a member of the AOH in Alexandria please wear the following “uniform” to division events, and contact our vice-president with any questions.

  • Formal/semi-formal events such as parades, funerals, formal dinners, etc: green sport coat, white shirt, tie, black/navy slacks, dress shoes, and Irish sash.
  • Informal events such as division meetings, social events, etc: AOH polo shirt with jeans/pants

To purchase your green jacket, visit blazer depot; note that you should get the Kelly Green (not the Augusta). If you call the 800 number to order, mention AOH to get free shipping.

To purchase your AOH Alexandria custom polo shirt, email or call East to West Embroidery and let them know you want to order an Alexandria AOH polo shirt, as well as what name you want on it. For reference, the style is K500-Dk Green.

To purchase your sash, visit Gettyburg Flag Works. The sash represents the national colors of Ireland and should be worn over the right shoulder (green closest to neck/collar) crossing to the left hip. To size, measure from right shoulder to left hip. Keep in mind the sash will normally be worn over a green sport coat.

For other AOH gear, visit the national AOH store.