The AOH Virginia State Freedom For All Ireland (FFAI) sponsored the Molly Maguire and Yuengling Brewery Tour and organized by…
Outstanding time thanks to all the Brothers who helped make the Oktoberfest a huge success. Thanks to the McLaughlin family…
Brother Greg Doherty coordinates After the 5’s social after the 5pm mass on October 21. Fr. Hathaway & Brothers McGuinness,…
St. Mary AOH crew led by Brother Shannen Coffin walk for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Brother Coffin and…
We had record participation with 24 brothers in attendance. Two new Brothers were initiated, Bill Beach and Blaise Fortier. Welcome…
Many thanks to John & Laura for hosting a great Oktoberfest on 10/14! Fun, food, and lessons in hatchet throwing!
Thanks to our Division and Brother Volunteers, led by Commander Kilday, feeding 60 hungry Alexandrians at Christ House in Old…
Thanks to Brother Kilday for organizing a great time at Nationals Park!
AOH President Terry Riley and Vice President Pat Cushing presented Past President Bill McCarthy with a plaque and medal recognizing…
Brother John O’Donnell & his wife, Laura, with Ambassador Mulhull at the dinner on Sept. 9. P.S. Don’t forget to RSVP…