April 16th Meeting – Pat Troy’s Last Hurrah



Dear Brothers,

Thanks to the Brothers who helped with Pat’s Troy’s AOH Meeting  Memorial Ceremony. Well done, especially the eulogy provided by Brother Jim Courtney. As Pat would have wanted, the tone of the meeting was not somber, with the initiation of four new awesome members, including Tom Mooney, Sean O’Sullivan, Sean Gallagher and Robby Meara, followed by the musical trio of PJ, Ruic, and  Jim McGuinness. As usual, our our Irish Historian, VP Pat Cushing, delivered a  riveting  presentation on Churchill’s use of Black and Tans and how Michael Collins  effectively countered British Intelligence with his 12 Apostles (The Squad) IRA Unit. 

We are all looking forward to our next meeting featuring General Stanley A. McChrystal- Hooah!