AOH Alexandria has donated $200 ~ Can you make a personal donation as well?

Worthy Division Presidents,

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

You’ve had opportunity to read National AOH President Brendan Moore’s letter on this subject forwarded by Virginia State President, Chuck Curran, last week (see post below.)

At the Special Meeting of the Virginia State Board of the AOH on Monday (Nov 19th) AOH Storm Relief  was discussed in detail.  For Brothers who were not in attendance here’s the gist of what AOH is doing.

  • National AOH has embarked on a nation-wide campaign to raise money to support active Hibernians in need of financial assistance as a result of storm-related damage in New Jersey and New York.
  • Hibernians in need will request support through their respective divisions.  Division and/or County presidents will certify the need and forward the request to National AOH where a committee will manage the requests and allocate funds.
  • The hope is to raise a minimum of $100K nation-wide

In addition to each Division’s generous contribution, Division brothers are asked to consider individual, tax deductible, donations.  As a benchmark only one Virginia division has committed more than $700 to this effort, including $200 in individual contributions.

Here is the information you need to make donations (both individual and division-level):

§  Checks MUST be made payable to:   Hibernian Charity.

§  Memo portion of your check MUST read:  AOH Storm Relief.

§  Send donations toVAAOH State Treasurer Bill Halpin, 236 Beachside Cove, Locust Grove, VA 22508

I will bundle all VAAOH donations collected into one Virginia donation rather than each division/individual member responding piecemeal.

My deadline to submit the Virginia donations is December 15th .  I ask that you be a generous as possible and that you reply within the noted time constraint.

In Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,

Bill Halpin

Treasurer, Virginia State Board

Ancient Order of Hibernians

202.213.5625 (cell)

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