Thanks to Commander John Kilday and the McElwain, Costello, Coffin, & Riley families who helped prepare 80 “meals-to-go.” Great to…
Our AOH Division was proud to present $500 scholarships and certificates to two 8th grade students at the Basilica…
AOH & family members provided 70 bagged meals for Christ House Shelter during the Covid-19 virus.
Thanks to the coordination efforts Brothers Mike McEntee & Jim Courtney we had another outstanding turnout for Mass in Honor…
Proclamation on Irish-American Heritage Month, 2020 Issued on: February 29, 2020 During Irish-American Heritage Month, we celebrate the countless achievements…
A beautiful parade day for the beginning of Irish American Heritage Month!
Welcomed two members Remembered Brother Arthur Grimley Collected some food for Christ House!
AOH Brothers & their families march in the Old Town Alexandria George Washington Parade. …
Thanks again to “Commander” Kilday and fellow Hibernians who proudly served 60 hungry locals at Christ House Shelter (photo L-R…