Come and march!!!
We are assigned to Division 5. Just like last year, our staging area to line up for the parade is on Cameron Street between Alfred and Patrick Streets. If brothers can come early, Brother Bill McCarthy will host everyone at his office at 1006 Cameron Street starting at 11.
If you can’t make it to Bill’s place by 11:30 or so, join us as we assemble in the staging area between Alfred and Patrick. The parade kicks off at 12:30. Some of us will need to assemble by 11:45 so that the parade knows we are present, but it’s also OK if you’re a bit late (What we mean is, don’t not come because you’re running late. We still want you to march).

Message from the Ballyshaners:
Parade Day is nearly here!The 2013 St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Alexandria will take place rain or shine! The Ballyshaners appreciate the time and effort that your group puts into appearing in the Parade and we look forward to a wonderful, fun day for all involved.
Division Assignment: Your parade unit has been assigned to Division 5 of the 2013 St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Alexandria .Please distribute this email to members of your unit so they will know where they need to be on Saturday.
Staging: Your division will be staged on Cameron Street between Alfred and Patrick Streets.The attached instructions include a map specifying the staging area for each Division, as well as a map of the parade route and dispersal area.You will be met at your staging area by Parade Marshals in green vests who will place the units into the correct order for the parade – please follow their instructions!
Timing: You should arrive at the staging area for your division between 11:00 AM and 11:45 AM on Saturday, March 2, 2013.
Vehicles: If you have a vehicle as part of your unit, identify it as such to the police officers who are controlling access to the staging area.Vehicles which are not part of your unit may not enter the staging area.
Parade Instruction: Please read the attached parade instructions.Key points are:
- Posession or consumption of alcohol in the staging areas or on the parade route by ANY MEMBER of a parade unit will result in immediate, automatic dismissal the ENTIRE parade unit from the parade.
- Units MUST keep pace – make sure to keep up with the unit ahead of you so the parade isn’t full of boring gaps.
- There is NO throwing of items allowed.Your marchers may HAND items/leaflets/etc. to spectators, but must not throw anything.
- Please clear the dispersal area quickly – bands must stop playing, marchers on foot must move onto sidewalks, and vehicles must leave the dispersal area.Floats must either pull to the curb or leave the dispersal area prior to dismantling.
Thank you again for helping to make this parade great – see you Saturday!
Tasha Pablo, Parade Captain