Saturday March 2 — That’s TODAY!!!!

11 am – meet at Brother McCarthy’s office at 1006 Cameron Street (between Henry and Patrick) in Alexandria for a little pre-parade fellowship.

11:45 am – assemble on Cameron between Henry and Alfred to line up for our march down King Street in the first-in-the-nation St. Patrick’s Day parade.  YOU CAN BRING YOUR LOVED ONES ALONG FOR THE PARADE.  THEY CAN LINE UP BEHIND US AND MARCH WITH OUR DIVISION.

After the parade ends, some of us will assist Pat Troy in selling our fundraising raffle tickets inside Ireland’s Own.  Some of us will join Brother Bobby Mahoney in doing the same up the street at Murphy’s.

Between 2:30 and 6:00 pm – Brother Terry Riley is hosting his annual St. Patrick’s Day party at his house, located at 8002 West Boulevard Drive, Alexandria, VA 22308.  He says all are welcome.

In the early evening, after Riley’s party, Pat Troy would like to take another attempt at selling raffle tickets to the customers at Ireland’s Own.  Some of the customers will be new since the afternoon; some will be much jollier versions of the same people we tried to sell to earlier!  If you can help out, please call Pat on his cell and let him know when you can be there: 703-615-9453.

Looking ahead, don’t forget you can join the bus ride to the NYC St. Patrick’s Day parade on March 16 and enjoy VIP Grandstand tickets.  Call Pat Murphy at 703-960-1014 for more information or to reserve your seats.

On Sunday, March 17, we will need to help sell raffle tickets at Ireland’s Own (and probably Murphy’s) in shifts during the day. That evening we will draw the winning ticket at Ireland’s Own. More details to follow.

Thursday, March 21 at 7:30 pm – we will have our next monthly AoH meeting at one of our original meeting places, the St. Mary’s Lyceum, 313 Duke Street (across from the St. Mary’s Rectory) in Alexandria.

Hope to see many of you Saturday, as well as during the month.



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