Thanks to all for a wonderful Lenten Supper


I want to extend a sincere thank you to everyone who helped out last night when it was our turn to serve the Friday  Lenten meal at St. Mary’s Lyceum.

The event went very well and I think everyone that came had a good time – and an extremely good meal!  Brother Kilday estimated the house at 60 people and I think he was  pretty close.

Special thanks to PJ Dougherty and Devin Ruic for organizing this rather unruly bunch into an efficient, soup-serving team.  And very special thank you to Lori Pick (and her head peeler, Gary and head cheerleader Caralyn Chism) for the wonderful Potato and Leek soup and Irish soda bread.

Also thank you to Brendan Cooney for his never-ending PB&J sandwiches, John Kilday for his never-ending supplies, Terry Riley and Brian Doyle for service with a smile and, of course, Kelly for putting up with it all.

We raised, I believe, $221 for Christ House (and another $20 in a check payable to St. Mary’s) so the evening was a huge success.

Again, thank you to everyone involved.  I think this was another feather in our collective cap and another opportunity to present ourselves to the Parish.

See you all (I hope) on Monday at Murphy’s!




P.S.  Thank Heaven that the soup was good.  One guy wouldn’t make a donation until he tasted it. But we got his money in the end.  Thanks again to Lori!

P.P.S.  One of the intentions behind getting more involved  in Parish activities (beyond doing some good) was as a way to attract new members.  I think it’s beginning to work.  If I’m not mistaken, we’ll have several new Brothers to welcome on Monday!  Yay, us!


P.P.P.S.  Put on your thinking caps (that’s old-folk speak for ponder) and think of what else we might do to help out St. Mary’s and our wider community.  We’re starting to get the hang of this and we ought to keep going while we’ve got momentum…




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