Serving dinner at Christ House

20160811_165747Thanks to everyone who came and helped at Christ House on Thursday night. It was our turn and we sourced (good job John Kilday used to be in the bizz!) and served meals for two settings of dinner on a very hot evening. Thanks to everyone who turned up to help. Our next turn is on October 13th – so watch out for details. It’s a great way to help out in the community and get to know the people we pass by everyday on the street. We don’t always know who is having a hard go of it and feeding them is a small thing we can do to help.

Luke 3:11 He answered, ‘Anyone who has two tunics must share with the one who has none, and anyone with something to eat must do the same.’

And on the tunics note, remember we will be holding a Coat Drive this winter!

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